In the world of filmmaking, few moments compare to the exhilaration of seeing your hard work and dedication recognized on the grand stage. For The Shamrock Spitfire, that moment arrived when we received the news of our film’s nomination at the Richard Harris Film Festival (RHFF) in Limerick, Ireland.

Above: Enjoying the beautiful scenery of Limerick City

The RHFF stands unique in the world of film festivals. It’s not just a celebration of cinema; it’s an invitation for those with Irish heritage to come back to their ancestral home and showcase their creativity. What’s more, RHFF proudly holds the title of being the only red-carpet film festival in Ireland.

To have our film recognized in such a prestigious event, was a testament to the dedication of our team. It was a moment of immense pride, not just for us but for everyone who contributed to the making of The Shamrock Spitfire.

The festival organizers, Zeb and Sylvia Moore and Rob Gill along with their dedicated team, extended a warm and enthusiastic welcome that made us feel like part of a close-knit family. They went above and beyond to ensure our stay was a memorable one.

The highlight of our journey at RHFF was, of course, the screening of The Shamrock Spitfire. We had a wonderful reaction from the audience, it was a very touching moment for us.

Above: Testing the film before the screening.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Zeb, Rob, Ciara Costello, and Aoife Danagher for their tireless efforts in making the festival a resounding success. Their commitment to promoting Irish heritage and cinema is truly commendable.

As we continue on our filmmaking journey, we carry the warmth and camaraderie of the RHFF with us. This festival is not just a celebration of cinema; it’s a celebration of the Irish spirit, and we are honoured to have been a part of it.