It’s been a great week for The Shamrock Spitfire in terms of awards and nominations.

Starting off the week we received the news that the film had picked up best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Narrative Feature and Best Producer (very pleased that all the hard work of our Producers Nigel Martin Davey and John A Dawson has been recognized) at the 8 & Half Films Awards, in Italy.

The following day we were informed that the film had bagged several awards in the Action Film category at the Rome International Movie Awards. These awards include Best Director, Best Producer, Best Actor (Shane O’Regan), Best Actress (Emily Outred), Best Supporting Actor (Chris Kaye), Best Ensemble Cast, Best Sound Design and Best Costume Design.

This winning streak continued the next day, where we secured Best Feature film at the Milan Gold Awards, Best Feature Film and Best Director at the Florence Film Awards, Best Picture, Best Producer and Best Cinematography at the International Gold Awards and Best Picture at the London Movie Awards.

The week ended on the news that The Shamrock has won “Best War Film” at the Oniros Film Awards, New York. 

This brings the total tally of awards for The Shamrock Spitfire, so far, to 23.

If you haven’t catched the official trailer yet, check it out right now!