This Wednesday (28th February 2024) THE SHAMROCK SPITFIRE flew into selected Showcase Cinemas around the country.

The nearest screening to Birmingham was Dudley, so we decided to pay the venue a visit, to take the opportunity to sit and watch the film with an audience.

Attending the screening with us were producers Nigel Martin Davey and John Dawson and cameraman Dan Woodward.

When we arrived, we were met by Manager Richard Harris (very fitting name as the Richard Harris Film Festival was the first festival and venue to screen our film!). Richard and his team couldn’t have been more welcoming and hospitable. They really made the night something very special and memorable for us. There was even a glass of Prosecco waiting for us as we entered the auditorium.

Above: directors Dominic and Ian Higgins, Showcase manager Richard Harris, producers Nigel Martin Davey and John Dawson

It was a great night and a night to reflect on just how far we’ve come on this journey. It’s a story that’s literally had to wait 82 years to find its way onto the screen. Back in 1942, Hollywood producer Edward Small set out to make a biopic on the life of Brendan Finucane.  But the project never transpired.

As we sat there watching the final results of 3 years of hard work and unrelenting dedication and passion, it was still hard to take it all in, what we had actually accomplished.

THE SHAMROCK SPITFIRE will be available to watch on DVD and online from March 11th.